Ear Microsuction


One of the many services we offer at Queensway is microsuction. We can provide microsuctioning for our own NHS patients or can see outside patients on a private self-referral basis.


What Is Ear Microsuction?

Ear microsuction is a method of earwax removal performed by health care professionals, in Queensway, is performed by Dr Hilmy our GP with special interest in Ear, Nose and Throat. It is a safe and effective procedure used to remove excess earwax (cerumen) from the ear canal using a suction device and a microscope with magnifying lens.

During the procedure, the clinician uses a small, gentle suction device to carefully remove the earwax. The use of a microscope or magnifying lens allows for precise visualization of the ear canal, ensuring that the procedure is performed with accuracy and minimal risk of injury to the ear.

Ear microsuction is often preferred over traditional earwax removal methods, such as ear irrigation, especially in cases where the earwax is hard, impacted, or when the individual has a history of ear issues or a perforated eardrum. It is generally considered a safer and more comfortable option for earwax removal.

It's important to note that ear microsuction should be performed by trained and qualified healthcare professionals to ensure proper technique and patient safety. If you suspect you have excessive earwax or are experiencing ear-related issues, it is recommended to consult with our clinician for appropriate evaluation and treatment options.


Private Charges

  • £30 for one ear
  • £50 for both

What To Do Before You Come In

  • Avoid Self-Cleaning: Refrain from attempting to clean your ears at home using cotton swabs, ear candles, or other objects. These methods can push earwax further into the ear canal or even cause injury.
  • Inform the Professional: Inform the clinician about any pre-existing ear conditions, medical history, or concerns you may have. This information can help them tailor the procedure to your specific needs.
  • Ear Drops: we recommend using over-the-counter ear drops such medicated olive oil drop 2 drops twice daily for five days before the microsuction appointment. These drops can help soften the earwax, making it easier to remove during the procedure.

What Are The Possible Side Effects?

Ear microsuction, a generally safe and effective procedure for removing earwax, carries minimal risks when performed by trained professionals. Potential issues include mild discomfort, rare infection risk, slight bleeding, and, in rare cases, a small risk of eardrum perforation.

Choosing a qualified healthcare professional, providing accurate medical history, and promptly reporting any post-procedure concerns can help ensure a safe experience. Overall, the benefits of ear microsuction usually outweigh the potential risks.


Post Ear Microsuction Care

After ear microsuction, it's advisable to keep the ears dry for 48 hrs to prevent infection, using coated cotton wool when exposed to water.

Avoid inserting objects into the ear canal. Monitor for unusual symptoms like increased pain or dizziness; contact your GP if concerned. Adhering to these aftercare instructions promotes a smooth recovery and minimizes potential complications.

If you wish to self-refer to us for private microsuction please call our reception team on 01253 890219 who will be more than happy to help you.

Published: Feb 15, 2024